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By Mark Zuckerberg

Sep 05, 2014 · Arma 3. thats a server setting on the king of the hill modes. its such a popular mode that they put those in there so people that are having the same issue like you can pay like 3$ for a private slot so you will always be able to join the servers without any issues. Best bet would be to try to find a different one to join with low people.

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Arma 3. All Discussions ... reserved slots on King of the hill servers Dear All, ... . its such a popular mode that they put those in there so people that are having the same issue like you can pay like 3$ for a private slot so you will always be able to join the servers without any issues. Best bet would be to try to find a different one to ...

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Arma 3 game servers at 4Netplayers are exclusive game server running on their own (dedicated) hardware. Statistics such as promotions, weapons and honours are saved on ranked servers and, for many games, compared with many other players worldwide in a huge ranking list.

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